Elizabeth Makrides
Visiting Assistant Professor
Division of Applied Mathematics
Brown University
Office: 182 George Street, Room 227
Email: elizabeth_makrides (at) brown.edu
Mailing address:
Brown University
Division of Applied Mathematics
182 George Street, Box F
Providence, RI 02912
Upcoming Conferences and Activities
MIT Physical Mathematics Seminar (invited speaker)
Cambridge, MA, March 8, 2016
BIRS Workshop on Coherent Structures in PDEs and Their Applications (invited speaker)
Oaxaca, Mexico, June 19-24, 2016
SIAM Annual Meeting / AWM Workshop on Dynamical Systems with Applications to Biology and Medicine (workshop speaker)
Boston, MA, July 11-15, 2016
SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures (minisymposium organizer and invited speaker)
Philadelphia, PA, August 11-15, 2016
AMS Fall Eastern Sectional Meeting (invited speaker)
Brunswick, ME, September 24-25, 2016
Current Teaching (Spring 2016)
Refereed Publications
E. Makrides and B. Sandstede. "Stability of Localized Snaking Patterns," in preparation 2016.
C. J. Graves*, E. Makrides*, V. Schmidt*, A. E. Giblin, Z. G. Cardon, D. M. Rand,
"Functional responses of salt marsh microbial communities to long-term nutrient enrichment,"
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 82(9), 2016 (at press).
A. N. Ford Versypt*, E. Makrides*, J. Arciero, L. Ellwein, and A. T. Layton.
"Bifurcation Study of Blood Flow Control in the Kidney," Mathematical Biosciences, 263, 169-179, 2015. (Corresponding author)
J. C. Arciero, L. Ellwein, A. N. Ford Versypt, E. Makrides, and A. T. Layton.
"Modeling Blood Flow Control in the Kidney," T. Jackson, A. Radunskaya (eds.),
Applications of Dynamical Systems in Biology and Medicine, The IMA Volumes in Mathematics
and its Applications 158, Springer, New York, 55–74, 2015.
E. Makrides and B. Sandstede.
"Predicting the Bifurcation Structure of Localized Snaking Patterns,"
Physica D 268, 59-78, 2014.
Structure and Stability in Localized Patterns
Minisymposium talk at SIAM Conference on Analysis of Partial Differential Equations, December 7-10, 2015
Understanding the Structure and Stability of Localized Patterns
Mathematics Department Colloquium, Tufts University, October 3, 2015
Modeling autoregulation in the kidney
Joint seminar / weekly meeting, Duke University, January 8, 2014
From knee deep in **** to neck deep in data: the journey of team powersoil
Talk at EEB Brown Bag Seminar, Brown University, December 6, 2013
Predicting the Bifurcation Diagrams of Localized Structures
Talk at RTG Recruitment Day, Brown University, November 22, 2013
Detecting the influence of long-term sewage exposure and natural salinity gradients on functional gene abundances in salt marsh sediment microbial communities
Poster Presentation with C. Graves and V. Schmidt, Brown-MBL Partnership Retreat, November 8-9, 2013
Predicting the Bifurcation Diagrams of Localized Structures
Seminar Talk, Brown University Graduate Student Seminar, October 18, 2013
Modeling Autoregulation in the Kidney
Joint talk, IMA Workshop on Dynamical Systems with Applications to Biology and Medicine, Sept 9-13, 2013
Predicting the Bifurcation Structure of Localized Snaking Patterns
Poster Presentation, IMA Conference on Localized Patterns in Dissipative Systems, June 3-7, 2013
Asymmetric Coherent Structures in One and Two Space Dimensions
Poster presentation, SIAM Conference on Dynamical Systems, May 19-23, 2013
Understanding microbial community structure via metagenomic analysis
Poster presentation at Workshop for Women in Probability, Duke University, October 14-16, 2012
On patterns and microbes
Graduate student talk at Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics (ICERM), September 7, 2012
One man’s trash is another’s treasure:
Understanding microbial diversity and community structure
Poster presentation at 2012 IGERT Annual PI Meeting, May 30-June 1, 2012
Past Teaching
Spring 2014: Business Mathematics, RI Women's Correctional Facility (CCRI program)
Fall 2013: Basic College Mathematics, RI Women's Correctional Facility (CCRI program)
Spring 2013:
APMA 1720 Monte Carlo Simulation with Applications to Finance, Teaching Assistant
Fall 2012: APMA 1650 Statistical Inference I, Teaching Assistant
Volunteer classroom aide for Transitional Math at
Hope High School
Assorted presentation notes and slides
Selected notes from presentations at group meetings, guest lectures, grad student seminars, etc.
Propagation failure and crystallographic pinning in lattice dynamical systems
- Uniform distributions on integer matrices: a parallel computing algorithm,
with J. Loper [pdf]
Nonlinear dynamics of networks: the grupoid formalism
- PDE modeling in biological contexts:
chemotaxis and calcium waves [pdf]