Mathematical equations in HTML/CSS - css

This has been promoted from personal to scientific. It used to be called Disgustin', and that was changed after things began working a little better. Now, things are worse again, and if you don't see three Greek characters in the title, you may wish to consult this.

This is not a translater of any kind: instead it is a CSS stylesheet and a number of helpers that contain formatted material that can be copied, pasted and modified. They are in

home - styles - alphas - symbols - braces - eq-types - elements - marks

Descriptions of the helpers will follow this DISCLAIMER:
No doubt, some who peruse these pages will be disappointed by equations they think to look like junk. That might be partly their fault, partly mine, and definitely the fault of some others. I can be pretty fussy about how my equations look too, and I have learned to limit my expectations. So my advice to all of us who aspire to put equations on webpages is: if you are really fussy about equations, use real math typesetters, and paste bitmapped images of their output into the documents (some hints). As for the others, let it rest with the observation that making it easy to display math in html-documents has never been a high-priority item on the browser-industry agenda.