This is an annotated m-file. It was used to generate some of the images in the piece about surface patches. A few of the original comments have been edited to make it clearer, but no code has been changed. This should work if all the boxes are removed.

function [tri,tet,pen]=bods(x,xa,y,ya,z,za,F,Fa)

The computational array is body-centered-cubic. The physical array need not be strictly bcc; it can be bent bcc, but not bent so far as to change the topology. We have to be able to find x,y,z (& F) on the bases of the six pyramids that surround each of the central nodes at xa,ya,za (& Fa).
% function [tri,tet,pen]=bods(x,xa,y,ya,z,za,F,Fa) % % x,y,z,F is data on a simple cubic array % xa,ya,za,Fa is data at the centers % cols of tri are [xxxyyyzzz]' near F=0 % cols of tet are [xxxxyyyyzzzz]' near F=0 % cols of pen are [xxxxxyyyyyzzzzz]' near F=0
Just the help message for bods(). The surface patches for a five-sided pyramid are triangles, tetragons and pentagons. The returned data can easily be reshaped as rows or cols of x,y,z.
if nargin<8 help bods; return; end % perturb accidental zeros N=find(F==0); F(N)=eps*(2*round(rand(size(N)))-1); N=find(Fa==0); Fa(N)=eps*(2*round(rand(size(N)))-1);
Finding the "accidental zeros" at vertices is an important trick. Once they have been replaced by arbitrarily small nonzeros, there are no special cases in the task of finding zeros on edges. The accidental zeros almost never occur in measured data - it's the test cases that often do us in.
% wesnba indices for x,y,z,F in cubes
Leftover from happy days at Thinking Machines, tending the old connection machine.
N=size(F); NN=reshape(1:prod(N),N);
(x,y,z) were generated by matlab's meshgrid(). I don't remember how that worked any more, but it doesn't matter! The arrays were x(i,j,k), y(i,j,k) and z(i,j,k) with i=1:N(1), j=1:N(2) and k=1:N(3), The array F(i,j,k) was the function F(x(i,j,k),y(i,j,k),z(i,j,k)). I think the i-axis is the x-axis in function style (left to right), but the algorithms don't depend on that. Call the i-axis the (west to east)- axis, the j-axis the (south to north)-axis and the k-axis the (below to above)-axis. (It's news-axes gone crazy.) NN is just the natural numbers in the same kind of array


(Anybody remember ravel in APL?) Incidentally, Matlab enumerates in Fortran-style, so the first col of the first of N(3) arrays it would display on a page is [1:N(1)]' That would put west at the top of the arrays, south at the left, and we would stack later arrays on top of earlier ones. I could be wrong about that, but it wouldn't matter.
NN=reshape(NN(1:end-1,1:end-1,1:end-1),1,prod(N-1)); % [b-sw corners;
NN(1,1,1)=1 is as far west, as far south, as low and as small as it gets, so these are indices of F(:) at lower southwest corners of the cubes that contain the central nodes Xa,Ya,Za (& Fa). They are arranged in a row, ready to have the other seven rows placed beneath them.
NN=[NN;N(1)+NN]; NN=[NN;1+NN]; NN=[NN;N(1)*N(2)+NN]; % to ;a-ne corners]
row:   1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8
    [ b-sw ; b-nw ; b-se ; b-ne ; a-sw ; a-nw ; a-se ; a-ne ] 
xa=xa(:)'; ya=ya(:)'; za=za(:)'; Fa=Fa(:)'; % central node data in rows
In variants of this where xa, ya, za, and Fa were not input arguments, data at the central node would be: xc=0.125*sum(x(NN)), yc=0.125*sum(y(NN)), and zc=0.125sum(z(NN)), with Fc=Fof(xc,yc,zc) (function style) or (mean value) Fc=0.125*sum(F(NN)). Incidentally, I would use 'c' instead of 'a' if I were to rewrite this. And don't forget to check for Fc==0.
N=find(abs(sum(sign([Fa;F(NN)])))<8); % this hack is worth doing
If the values of F at the nine nodes of a bcc-cell all have the same sign (never zero) F=0 can't be there.
NN=NN(:,N); xa=xa(N); ya=ya(N); za=za(N); Fa=Fa(N);
Keep only the cols of NN and elements of xa,ya,za,Fa that matter.
% define WESNBA pyramids (rows of NN for bases) P={[5 7 3 1],[2 4 8 6],[1 2 6 5],[3 7 8 4],[1 3 4 2],[5 6 8 7]}; % a cell array
  {  south  ,  north  ,   west  ,  east   ,  below  ,  above  }
The orientation of nodes on faces is right-handed relative to the inward normal. pyras() uses that when it encodes info about which edges have sign changes. Now this could be important: any vertex of a tetrahedron can be called the apex (in the first row), and tetras() expects the other three to be in right-handed order, relative to the normal that points toward the apex. Feeding pyras() and tetras() mixed right- and left-handed bases will probably result in trash, but maybe not. (Sometime when I am back in Providence, I'll have a look to see how hard this can be kicked before it breaks.)
tri=[]; tet=[]; pen=[]; % let pyras() do all the work
Start with nothing.
for k=1:6 N=NN(P{k},:); [p3,p4,p5]=pyras([xa;x(N)],[ya;y(N)],[za;z(N)],[Fa;F(N)]); tri=[tri,p3]; tet=[tet,p4]; pen=[pen,p5]; end
Append the cols of 9, 12 and 15 coordinates at the vertices of patches.

I may have gotten some of this wrong. I don't have a matlab up here in New Hampshire, and it has been a couple of years since I quit doing this kind of thing. To tell the truth, I really miss it.

Good luck - from fred