Better not try to play this


If the playful, unplayable logo (font-size:9px) looked something like this,


your browser is either unable or unwilling to display the font. musicalsymbols.ttf. If you can display that font, the rest of this is here. Otherwise, you might be able to get things to work better - but maybe not.

This should work on relatively new versions of Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer, on Mozilla-1.4 and Firefox-0.9, but not on Mozilla-1.7. With NN-4, Mz-1.7 and Opera, for example, I don't know how to get them to look for fonts that aren't on their lists of acceptable ones.

Here is a preliminary TeSt (TeSt): if neither of those were rendered as greek characters, your browser is unwilling, but possibly not unable to display the font, symbol.ttf. This font usually comes with the PC operating system, and the fixup, if you have symbol.ttf installed, is: The reason for saving the original "encoding.symbol.ttf ---" as a comment is so that the original encoding will be easy to restore after the test has succeeded or failed, as the case may be. If the test worked, then:
It is claimed that MATHML needs the use of symbol.ttf, as a last resort (huh?), so restoring the original encoding of it might avoid a conflict. If you want the symbol font too, you can find a copy of symbolps.ttf, install it, and add the line

encoding.symbolps.ttf = windows-1252

to ---/fontEncoding. Wingdings and other special purpose fonts can be treated similarly.

These are the only workarounds I know of for this sort of thing. I would welcome any information about others.