This works on IE and Firefox. The printed result is better.
l==l q Q q Q q Q

The css juju is: <style type="text/css"><!-- body {font-family:comic sans ms; background-color:#EEF; padding:5%; font-size:20px} xmp {font-family:fixedsys; font-size:80%; line-height:1.2em} s {position:absolute;top:0} /* IE bug */ u {position:relative} /* <a>s used to nest */ u, s {text-decoration:none} /* these still do */ img {position:absolute} /* don't ask */ --></style> The html juju is: <u style=font-family:musicalsymbols;white-space:nowrap;font-size:40px> <u style=line-height:3em> <! per IE bug > <s style=top:1em;left:4em> <s style=left:4.52em;top:0.325em> <! beam above > <s style=top:-.625em><img style=height:.5em;width:1.125em src=b2sn.jpg> </s></s> <s style=left:4.24em;top:1.9em> <! beam below > <s style=top:-.125em><img style=height:.5em;width:1.125em src=b2ns.jpg> </s></s> <s style=left:4em><s id=stv>l=<u style=left:-0.2em>=l</u> </s></s> <! stave > <s style=left:4.25em> <! notes > <s style=top:-.625em>q</s> <u style=top:-.375em>Q</u> <s style=top:-.75em>q</s> <u style=top:-.25em>Q</u> <s style=top:-.875em>q</s> <u style=top:-.125em>Q</u> </s> </s> </u></u>